Friday, May 21, 2004

So this morning kim and i decided to go to creve couer lake and walk around. We got there at 10:00am and began the path. If we only knew exactly what we were in for,im not sure that i can say we would still do it. The trail seemed never ending. We got past this bridge and came to the point where it seemed to us a new trail started. We proceeded to go down it but we were stopped by this man running who informed us that if we continued down the path we were on our way to a construction sight. I guess we should have continued to follow the yellow line. So we are walking and walking, cramping, sweating and walking. This couple on the bikes passed us 3 times! "Bikes on your left (ding ding goes his bell)." We finally get back to the car, our legs are burning! So remember we got there at 10:00...we now look at the clock and its 12:20! we just spent over 2 hours walking! Im not sure if we will ever do that again. I was seriously exhausted for the rest of the day. But then i had to go to good ole souper salad to work. I made 36 dollars whoo hoo. Im still in search for a job, maybe i will go to CPK. I just know that i need to be somewhere where i make more then 36 dollars.

So my psychology class im in right now is very interesting, but it is so long. Its from 9:00 to 12:45 monday through thursday. It feels never ending. I have 2 more weeks of that, then i get a week off, and then i start econmics in the school curriculum at umsl, which is 8am-12. I dont know how i am going to do that. Luckily jennifer will be home so she can help me out. i think it might be difficult! Im not the best at math and im thinking economics is going to be math centered!

Oh and do u like the new pink? I Do!!!!!!!! OH and did you guys here about poor brit running off stage crying!!! She must come home! I heard she is on the verge of a mental breakdown. she better pull herself together because i am looking forward to my 12th row seats! Ok well i am out!


Dacia said...

LOVE the new pink ... glad to hear that you're 'home'. See you soon???? We'd love to.

Jennifer said...

Sister, Poor Britney! I love the pink! I know nothing about Economics though . . .