Thursday, April 22, 2004

I really enjoyed reading Jennifers letters, so i think i will do the same, it looks like fun.

Dear Dr. Bolin: you saw the tears in my eyes when i read the wrong chapter for the quiz, why didnt u give me sympathy points?

Dear Dr. Umar: I know you are a nice man, why do you feel you have to yell the lecture at us? It startles me.

Dear Girl Next door: The creaking of the bed makes me uneasy. Will you please stop. At least you are not my roommate.

Dear Puerto Rico: Can I have my sister back now?

Dear STLCC: Why do I have to be readmitted? That is silly.

Okay that is enough.....I have a question, do i have to tell Murray Im not coming back??? Like do i formally have to unenroll? i would think by not registering for classes they would know, but i heard that i might have to. I dont know! So today was take ur "little sister" to school day. I had three middle school girls in my history class today. One of the girls insisted on taking notes, it was cute! I looked over and she had more details then i had. I wanted to ask her if i could have her notes. Then i caught her poking at the wall, i asked her what in the world she was doing. She responded with, "I never touched a college wall before!" She is a funny girl. Oh and i went to the murray farm today. I never realized that horses kind of frighten me, i did brush one though. I also saw some soon to be dairy cows, they just havent given birth yet so they were just plain ole cows. Does everyone know what a hefer is? I asked and the little sisters acted like I was dumb! I just dont know that much about cows. But after today, i can say I know a lot more! Well that is it for now!

Saturday, April 17, 2004

So this story goes out to Jennifer
So remember when we made chili together and i just added everything on the counter, thinking it was normal to add 7 cans of beans? Well at Winslow they are advertising their new chili, "Chilli with beans!" No one else may find the humor in it, but hopefully you will!

I cant wait till summer time, there is just so much i want to accomplish! Anyway I am going to go try to read some chapters of astronomy!

Monday, April 05, 2004

I think these things are so funny, though i must admit that a couple of these I cant relate too... Though the Highschool, Hoosier, and Humidity ones seems so true.


You love toasted ravioli with Budweiser beer.
"Vacation" is a choice between Silver Dollar City and Lake of the
You can get anywhere in 20 minutes.
You've seen all the biggest bands ten years AFTER they were popular.
You can debate for 30 minutes whether Missouri Baking or Marge
Amighetti makes the best Italian bread.
You know what "Party Cove" is.
You still can't believe the Arena is gone.
Your non-St. Louisan friends always ask if you're aware there is no "r"
in "wash."
You know at least one person who's gotten hurt at Johnson Shut-ins.
You know in your heart that Mizzou can beat Nebraska in football.
You end your sentences with an unnecessary preposition. Example:
"Where's my coat at?"
You think the four major food groups are beef, pork, Budweiser and
You've had to switch from heat to AC in the same day.
You know there are really only three salad dressings: Imo's, Zia's and
Rich and Charlie's.
You can't think of anything better than sitting on the porch, in the
summer, during a thunderstorm.
It just doesn't seem like a wedding without mostaciolli.
You know, within a three-mile radius, where another St. Louisan grew up
as soon as they open their mouth.
You know what a pork steak is...and what kind of sauce to put on it!
You have to know what high school everyone went to.
Everyone in your family has floated the Meramec River at least once.
You know that a hoosier is not necessarily from Indiana. Just South of
You've ever said, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity."
Your favorite summer treat is handed to you upside-down.
You bleed Blue between September and May! (The rest of the time it's

...I am trying to avoid studying